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Questions: Typical Questions
The Hot Seat

1. Tell me about yourself.

State your education, professional achievements and professional goals. Briefly describe your qualifications for the job and the contributions you could make to the organization.

2. Why do you want to work here?

Show your interest in the company. Share what you've learned about the job, the company, and the industry through your own research. Talk about how your skills will benefit the organization.

3. What are your best skills?

If you've done your homework, you should know what skills the company values. Match your skills to their needs and give examples where you have demonstrated these skills.

4. What is your major weakness?

Turn your weaknesses into positives.

5. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?

You want to show that you're flexible. Talk about how you have worked in both situations.

6. What are your career goals or future plans?

The interviewer wants to know if your plans and the company's goals are compatible. Let him know that you are ambitious enough to plan ahead. Talk about your desire to learn more and improve your performance, and be as specific as possible about how you will meet the goals you have set for yourself.

7. What are your hobbies?

The interviewer may be looking for skills you possess outside your school and work experience and to see how well-rounded you are.

8. What are your salary requirements?

You don't want to directly answer this question. You want the employer make the first offer. So, counter with a very general range. You should already know the average salary range from having done your homework and research.

Some other questions you should prepare for:

-- How has your education prepared you for this position?
-- What were your favorite classes/activities at school?
-- Why did you choose your major?
-- Do you plan to continue your education?

-- What have you learned from past jobs?
-- What were your biggest responsibilities?
-- What skills used in previous jobs relate to this position?
-- How does your previous experience relate to this position?
-- What did you like most/least about your last job?
-- Whom may we contact for references?

-- What can you do for us that someone else can't do?
-- What qualifications do you have that relate to the position?
-- What new skills or capabilities have you recently developed?
-- Give me an example from a previous job where you've shown initiative.
-- What have been your greatest accomplishments?
-- What is important to you in a job?
-- What motivates you in your work?
-- What qualities do you find important in a coworker?

-- What would you like to be doing five years from now?
-- How will you judge yourself successful? How will you achieve success?
-- What type of position are you interested in?
-- How does this job fit in with your career plans?
-- What do you expect from this job?
-- Do you have a location preference?
-- Can you travel?
-- What hours are you available for work?
-- When can you start?

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